Medical University of Silesia applies for obtaining the prestigious logo "Human Resources excellence in research ."


Medical University of Silesia has begun the operation for obtaining the prestigious logo  HR Excellence in Research, awarded by European Commission to the institution conducting research and development activities.

Granting logo is one of the activities of the European Commission (EC)  in the framework of the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers focused on improving the attractiveness of researchers' working conditions . These activities are expected to contribute to increase the number of academic staff of the European institutions.

In order to receive Logo  the University has to implement principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers to its internal regulations, ensuring a pleasant working environment for scientific and transparent rules of recruitment.

The European Commission supports the institutions implementing the principles of the Charter and the Code by organizing meetings and discussions with the institutions involved. In addition, EC promotes such institutions among international organizations and scientists as those that provide the best scientists working conditions and development.

